Instagram Narratives in the Composition Classroom
Sam Meekings, Northwestern University in Qatar Overview This task is designed to get students in English courses to think about how an engaging narrative is structured and created by writing…
Sam Meekings, Northwestern University in Qatar Overview This task is designed to get students in English courses to think about how an engaging narrative is structured and created by writing…
Jessica McCaughey, The George Washington University Overview One student follows planetariums on Facebook. Another is an expert on the Twitter account of Donald Trump. A young man follows three feminist…
Madison Jones, University of Florida This two-part, multimodal assignment has students thinking about remix and digital poiesis by analyzing and creating advertisements featuring poems. This four-week unit answers Dustin Edwards’…
Tyne Daile Sumner, University of Melbourne Overview In this task students create their own online museum by uploading digital items to an Omeka site and describing them using Dublin…
Melissa Vosen Callens, North Dakota State University Overview Inmy blended (hybrid) Critical Approaches to Popular Culture course, each weekstudents meet once face-to-face as well as “attend” one asynchronous onlineclass.…
Leonie Kirchhoff, Miriam Lahrsow & Angelika Zirker, Tübingen University Students frequently groan when they have to read poetry or historically remote literary texts. A complaint like “That’s so difficult. I…
Hannah Lavery and Lynda Prescott, The Open University In the 30-week, 60-credit module ‘Voices, Texts and Material Culture’ at the Open University, students are required to engage in online collaborative…
Dorian Hunter Davis, American University This exercise, an interactive alternative to the more traditional class blog, asks students to respond outside of class to an open-ended prompt their instructor posts…
James M Cochran, University of Baylor Following Maura Kelly’s and others’ recent calls for “slow reading” or “Slow Books,” movements that encourage people to “pick up a meaningful work of…